my post can also be found on
I am eager to get to know about anyone that has ideas regarding spaces where we could live or hold events in a self organized way.
1) CouchSurfing and Travelling School of Life – Common Interests ? + Gathering Contacts for Collective Spaces
2) Legal Platforms for Collectively Purchasing Land ???
3) Decision Making Practices and Tools
1 ) CouchSurfing and Travelling School of Life – Common Interests ? + Gathering Contacts for Collective Spaces
Maybe an example of where Travelling School of Life objectives ( )
and CouchSurfing Objectives ( )
could potentially meet – such as in having our own Spaces :
( also see pasted below – on )
and also other tools planned for development in CS :
one extract : ” From the CouchSurfing <!– D(["mb","University,nwe thought it would be good to be able to search people by interests.nLike I want to learn the guitar, who can actually host me out there andnprovide some lessons.. &amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;
nall pages:
2) List of Spaces + Legal Platforms for Collectively Purchasing Land ???
Talking about Nomadic Social Centers in Urban and Rural areas during my travels these last months, n
made me realise that there is alot of enthousiasm on this topic , and alot of people thinking and working on such topics.
I also met farm owners in different european countries that would be happy to host and let nomads self organize on their land. n
and I remember talking about this topic with Tsolife friends – a list of spaces was started and it will soon be on the wiki
nWhich kind of Legal Platforms for (Purchasing?/Borrowing?) Land?
Borrowingn : I remember Casey mentionned an idea that would offer interested owners of land to borrowing us their land / living spaces , under the agreement that their “property” would be returned in an equal or improved state n“,1] ); //–>University, we thought it would be good to be able to search people by interests. Like I want to learn the guitar, who can actually host me out there and provide some lessons.. ”
all pages:
2) List of Spaces + Legal Platforms for Collectively Purchasing Land ???
Talking about Nomadic Social Centers in Urban and Rural areas during my travels these last months,
made me realise that there is alot of enthousiasm on this topic , and alot of people thinking and working on such topics.
I also met farm owners in different european countries that would be happy to host and let nomads self organize on their land.
and I remember talking about this topic with Tsolife friends – a list of spaces was started and it will soon be on the wiki
Which kind of Legal Platforms for (Purchasing?/Borrowing?) Land?
Borrowing : I remember Casey mentionned an idea that would offer interested owners of land to borrowing us their land / living spaces , under the agreement that their “property” would be returned in an equal or improved state <!– D(["mb","
Purchasing : It might eventually also be interesting to understand how to develop legal platforms to reclaim land by opening up a subscription and collectively buy land – , that could be used for all kinds of projects , and would be self-organized / and where objectives would not be focused on maximisation of profit , but on maximising opportunities and empowering individuals and communities – such a platform would ask for donations to buy land , and although I imagine cooperatives could develop on such land , the land in itself could not be sold or speculated on , and would not be dominated by any individual or selected group of individuals – it would become land managed by the collective of individuals living on the land – through decision making processes with wich we could experiment – … hmm … such as Concensus ( ? ) n
3) Decision Making Practices and Tools
… I propose to gather Decision Making Practices and Tools links and knowledge – my current list of links on this topic:n
feel free to contact me on any of these issues – would also be nice to have some discussions on these topics on the lists and eventually complement existing articles on our wikis such asn
n ( ? )
——————————“,1] ); //–>
Purchasing : It might eventually also be interesting to understand how to develop legal platforms to reclaim land by opening up a subscription and collectively buy land – , that could be used for all kinds of projects , and would be self-organized / and where objectives would not be focused on maximisation of profit , but on maximising opportunities and empowering individuals and communities – such a platform would ask for donations to buy land , and although I imagine cooperatives could develop on such land , the land in itself could not be sold or speculated on , and would not be dominated by any individual or selected group of individuals – it would become land managed by the collective of individuals living on the land – through decision making processes with wich we could experiment – … hmm … such as Concensus ( ? )
3) Decision Making Practices and Tools
… I propose to gather Decision Making Practices and Tools links and knowledge – my current list of links on this topic:
feel free to contact me on any of these issues – would also be nice to have some discussions on these topics on the lists and eventually complement existing articles on our wikis such as ( ? )
Try a kibbutz. I know it’s not the same thing, but you should try it if you never have before.