July 2008 , Dante
” doing what I am passionnate about ” ?
July 2009 , Dante :
There have been developments since last year …
Its very much about nurturing long term friendships, and friendships between friendships…
which enables a feeling of meaning through sharing,
creates value through non direct reciprocal economics,
yet builds potential within networks of friends and grows new fruits that feed the networks on the long term ,
and enable such synergies on a broad international scale,
but very importantly also “on a local scale” …
building up a sense of belonging… and a potential lager integral view point… understanding what one “can”,
participating by enabling potential… and “empowering oneself by empowering others”…
I feel it is very fulfilling to build up intentional environments with whom there is mutual empowerment.
For a long time, I felt alone, trying to bring together some pieces of the puzzle,
but I feel its accelerating, and various nodes of interconnected friends are emerging… and creating life dynamics… being mirrors to each other… enabling the manifestation of the consciousness we re-membered within ourselves, into prototypes out of our own body, and together with others…
The recurrent transition point I mentioned last year,
can evolve when such mutually inspiring, mutually empowering dynamics of trans-connections enable outlets for further synergies according to our own potential, according to what I can to allow others to develop what they can…