Rhizomic Consciousness

What I tend to call ” rhizomic forms of consciousness ” ,
have , in the way I tend to define it ,
characteristics such as inclusiveness / unconditionality / openness to participation ,
transparency ( holopticism , as opposed to panopticism ) , non linearity ,
permanent creation and modularity of relations as opposed to reproduction of crystallized sets of relations ,

and because of this ,
other properties such as non-coerciveness ( passion / intrinsic motivation ) ,
emergence , natural non permanent / functional leadership based on initiative – participation – experience – reputation ( in social networks ) , collaborative creation , stigmergy , …


a brainstorming in french , with my friend Florence …


Shared intention : Meta-Rhizome
Synthese par intention et conscience partagee :
vivre en simplicite dans la complexite par authenticite

Il s’agit de faciliter une transition vers un paradigme de simplicité dans la complexité ,
au travers d un Rhizome de Rhizomes.

Le paradigme de simplicité se caractérise par :

– l’empowerment mutuel : la collaboration (synergie) au lieu de la compétition
– l’émergence : synergie entre synergies
– la motivation intrinsèque : la passion comme moteur d’activité, et pas la motivation extrinsèque
– le pouvoir d’inspiration plutôt que le pouvoir de coercition
– l’approche de création et pas seulement de reproduction
– la création de nouvelles solutions autour de la quelle se concentre la concentration de l’attention et des ressources
– la customization des solutions : toute solution peut être transformée et adaptée à son contexte
– l’intérêt de tous plutôt qu’autour de structures de pouvoir dans leurs intérêts propres
– la mise en commun de tout, sans nécessaire abandon de la propriété privée (ex : copyleft)
– une hiérarchie naturelle suivant la compétence dans une situation donnée et la participation
– une hiérarchie non coercitive : avec un pouvoir d’inspiration
le long terme plutôt que le court terme
un rhizome : une interconnexion entre tout élément avec l’ensemble des autres éléments
non lineaire

une forme d’organisation, de collaboration en réseau (rhizome)
– tout element est connecté avec toute autre element au travers du rhizome, tout projet est connecté avec un autre projet, tout devient transdisciplinaire.
– il n’y a pas de dépendance à une structure en particulier : on n’est pas limité à la reproduction de structure, il y a une redisposition continuelle des non-structures
– conscience plus large que le soi, une conscience de notre capacité mutuelle dans l’intérêt global
– potentiel du nombre de voies de communication illimité (pour avoir une société, il faut une voie de communication pour qu elle s organise)
– ubiquité et convergence entre la réalité physique et réalité digitale
– conscience de dépendance mutuelle permanente sans dépendance spécifique a une entite
– la synthèse : convergence des différents éléments

Des systèmes inconditionnels, non hiérarchisés, autogérés, rhizomiques, transparents, décentralisés, connectés, autonomes, par émergence, non linéaire, non conflictuel et ouverts a la collaboration…


Description de la culture

Cela est plus facile à comprendre à travers un mode de vie : des styles de vie passionnés dirigés par un sentiment de sens partagé.

Il s’agit d’une nouvelle culture que vivent sous un aspect ou un autre des hackers open source, auto stoppeurs, réseaux d’hospitalité (couch-surfing), …

C’est une culture sans règle hiérarchique spécifique, mais avec une flexibilité sur le plan de l’influence des individus au sein de la communauté. Cette influence leur est attribuée de manière naturelle suivant leur compétence dans une situation donnée et leur participation.

La confiance et l attention devient un atout majeur et ouvre la voie à leur collaboration dans le réseau. Une ecoute et une confiance de base peut etre donnée d’emblée, mais selon ce que les gens font, ils gagnent ou perdent en réputation , et donc , en potentiel d attention et de confiance vis a vis d eux.

Chaque personne est valorisée et les individus se soutiennent mutuellement dans le réseau pour apprendre ensemble et opèrent un nivellement par le haut. Les individus s’empowerent (s’émancipent) mutuellement : ils mettent à disposition leurs ressources et potentiels respectifs.

La transparence est très importante car elle offre l’inclusion en permettant une compréhension de la situation et des différents éléments qui la composent. Cela permet à chacun d’apporter de nouvelle question, de nouvelles solution pouvant contribuer à l’émancipation et la création de valeur mutuelle. La rétention d’information


Création de communautés de pratiques : on apprend ensemble en partageant nos références, suivant une motivation intrinsèque et une émulation mutuelle.
Des personnes qui partagent une intention et des intérêts communs.


De plus en plus de personnes se trouvent confrontées à un changement continuel ; elles vivent dans une réalité de réalité multiple. Il devient de plus en plus difficile de se restreindre à une réalité spécifique, on peut vivre l experience d une réalité sans en être spécifiquement dépendant. On développe une capacité à constamment recréer sa réalité.

Cette adaptation rend possible la simplicité dans la complexité, parce qu’elle mène à vivre de plus en plus dans le moment présent, à se détacher de plus en plus de structures et de besoins spécifiques.


Un méta projet avec différents modules transdisciplinaires, connectés entre eux.

Meta-Rhizome :

Rhizome : Finance

emergence de systeme financier alternatif sans interet ,
avec demurrage ,

a partir de reseaux de ( cooperatives de ? ) producteurs et de consommateurs.

Rhizome : Holoptisme

Pour faciliter une conscience et une vue d’ensemble pour tous : un système holoptique (/= panoptique)
L’intérêt est dans le processus plus que dans la structure.

Certains modules peuvent être développés avec les outils actuel et d’autres nécessitent un investissement dans la R&D.

OUTIL holoptique
Constituer une base de données des différents intérêts, les objectifs, les questions, les besoins.
Tous les segments sont reliés entre eux par des métatag. L’information est accessible à tous.
Chacun peut savoir ce qui intéresse chacun : on peut s’organiser autour de problématiques partagées (tout en ouvrant la possibilité d’une perspective plus globale).


Ces systèmes existent déjà dans la culture alternative,il s’agit de les diffuser.

Rhizome : Energie

accès aux ressources (énergie, eau, nourriture, services) et aux outils (logistique).

Rhizome : Logistique Marchande

Rhizome : Stigmergie – Logistique des activites et processus

definition en francais

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stigmergie ( voir aussi : Intelligence distribuée )
quoi que la definition anglophone correspond peut etre d avantage a l idee que j en fais :


Mon idee est celle d outils qui facilitent
la synchronisation et la coordination non centralisee au travers de l espace entre differents individus suivant des intentions et des objectifs communs

Rhizome : économie et devises (trust information system : IOU ; ripple)

emergence de systeme financier alternatif sans interet ,
avec demurrage ,

a partir de reseaux de ( cooperatives de ? ) producteurs et de consommateurs.

explicatif de demurrage :



Rhizome : communication (réseaux ad hoc, multihop)

Rhizome : protocoles de routage ( Freenet , BitTorrent , … )

Rhizome : apprentissage (pas d’éducation, au sens de reproduction des patterns)

Rhizome : Gouvernance

Rhizome : licence ( Copyleft , General Public licence )

Le plus que le nombre de personnes et entites participant au reseau augmente , le plus que la valeur du systeme , et son potentiel de calculation augmente.

– p ost symbolique émergent (outil holoptique en lui-même)
– avec la possibilité d’une navigation immersive, dynamique et relative
– on peut partager un concept directement en voyant les coordonnées dans la constellation sémantique
– plus il y a d’interrelation/vecteurs, plus la précision de la position de chaque objet dans le système augmente.

process dimension
– permet de naviguer les différents processus et la conscience dans laquelle ces processus sont vécus.
– processus positif : 1/ la confiance (ouverture d’un channel), 2/ l’action , 3/ la contemplation (forme de gratification), 0/ l’inspiration
– processus négatif : 1/ la confiance négative (augmentation de la peur), 2/ la réduction du potentiel d’action, 3/ une contemplation négative (sentiment de frustration), 0/ moins d’inspiration

Rhizome : Cosmology

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson
Date: Jun 9, 2007 5:18 PM
Subject: we forget to see what is in front of us , at a higher level of abstraction ?

I would be glad , if this can inspire you , if you could give me some feed back on this – and if this can connect to some of your work / if some collaboration could be foreseen

– I prefer presenting it informally :

In the last week , as I did some more internet browsing on topics such as Quantum physics , I have the feeling that Physicists forget to see what is just in front of us , and what we are using all the time ,

and is simple to see even though it might be at a higher degree of abstraction :

the processes and other abstract objects such as concepts that are all around us.

My current hypothesis that I already exposed to some of you ( I ll re-paste some conversations below )
is that abstract objects , including objectified processes , are also dimensions , and that they function and are all part of the same universal system.

In other words , a process dimension is a ” Brane ” of a certain order ,



and as explained in my process dimensions axiom ,

http://oikoumene.coforum.net/processdimensions ( or see the yahoo groups links on that page )

there are process dimensions in process dimensions – there is a infinity of dimensions , and there are also flows , relations , etc –
Even dreams are part of it , at a higher level of abstraction.

So the structures we are , and the ones we develop , and the emergent negentropic process is actually a process of emergence related to all the other objects in the universe –

We could model this , and use this understanding to develop emergence / or ” visualize emergence ”

I also feel that asking ” why there is something ” is not as much the question as ” why this experience and not another ”

I feel that there is everything at all times , but that somehow we seem to limit ourself to a certain experience , possibly at first ( when understanding process dimensions ) through limitation by addiction , and then , possibly also to limitation by addiction to the string ( or ” brane ” of “n” value )  we might be experiencing : the direction of the flow of our CONSCIOUSNESS


I want to further experiment with these models – as there is great potential – and I have the intention to create synergies with other interested individuals , such as you ?

This model has the potential of being a universal science as all knowledge and all relations can be included.

More and more questions could pop up – one that I have at the moment is how do they see each other ?

How do all objects , of all different abstraction levels , see each other ?  ( and how can we then create a meta cortex , etc etc – details in past pasted conversations below )
s concept some kind of EMERGENT GRAVITY applicable to all objects of all levels of abstraction ?

possibly quantum gravity and emergent gravity could give some answers ?


I have the feeling that all is aware of all at the same time – so they ( objects and objectified processes ) all see each other , and this can also be understood through process dimensions

But i still need to experiment with the axiom of process dimensions –

and would also like to experiment with a meta-cortex

and possibly you can help in developing such project ?

Ok , thats it for now

more below

greetings from Vilnius – or what seems to be vilnius at a certain level of abstraction , a certain ” brane ” we call ” real world ”



Rhizome : Post-Symbolic Meaning Dimensions

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson

Date: Jun 5, 2007 3:43 PM
Subject: Using Quantum Gravity for Dynamic Relational System / Dynamic Relational Positioning of Objects ?

I am Dante , originally from Brussels.

My research has brought me to you , as I am currently trying to find solutions for a way to build a dynamic relational reference system , in a system of infinite dimensions and levels of abstraction.
Navigation in such a system would be relative to the reference chosen in the eventual navigation , yet the challenge is to understand how a specific kind of ” gravity ” could be used in the way that all objects relate and see each other – through each other ? –

I have the feeling some of your research related to quantum gravity could be used.

Such a dynamic relational reference system would be useful for many different applications , including the understanding of meaning through the dynamic relational positioning of objects ( in infinite levels of abstraction )

Some of these axioms and the tools to visualize and build with it raises interdisciplinary questions.

I have the feeling some of your research and understanding can lead to such solutions , and I also have the feeling some of my axioms could also be of interest to you – see links further below –

and I would like to have your views on how our visions on universal systems could converge , and complement each other.

To present some of my axioms briefly : everything is relations , relations with a certain conciousness become processes.

Processes and concepts , as much as what seems ” material ” , are ” Objects ” ( or are ” objectifiable ” ) with more or less abstraction.

A “relation” between two objects is an object itself , at abstraction level +1

all conciousness we have of ” physical ” objects , all knowledge ( objects with higher level of abstraction as physical objects ? ) , any relation , is connected and can be used to visualize other objects  on different levels of abstraction of which we do not have conciousness of yet.

I would like to experiment by developing a tool that could also be used as some kind of ” meta cortex ” ,
and that would not only make it possible to build and visualize databases of relations , but also to visualize the emergent levels of abstraction , as such a data base would have emergent properties and become a window for opening up our conciousness to infinite levels of abstraction.

I also feel that understanding ” conciousness” is also useful in finding solutions , and possibly my following axiom on ( objectifiable ) process dimensions can help in that matter :


I also feel it might connect to some of your research. In this axiom , ” time ” is also being questioned , and our experienced ” reality ” would be nothing more then an ” addiction to a string ” of process dimensions.

Individual process dimensions are experienced in one of the two following flows :

a negative flow being one that is narrowing down towards addiction to a specific channel / trust – i call this a ego experienced flow –

and a positive flow being one that is multiplying its strings of experienced objects , reducing ” specific ” dependency and addiction – i call this a metatized experienced flow –

as you can see on the process dimensions notes page , it starts with 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 –

” 0 ” as the relation that i call ” inspiration ” , and that can be negative of positive ( this is relative to the object / objectified process )

Negatively and positively experienced process dimensions can be connected between each other , and as energy flows along the string from greater process dimensions it can influence the sustainability of the experienced reality.

( a negatively experienced process dimension , when too disconnected from metatized processes , has a high risk of dying )

what concerns 1 , 2 and 3 , I prefer letting you read my notes and the examples further on that page.


This would only be the beginning – many more elements can be found on the basis of 0 , 1 , 2 , 3

for example , strings , that are the continuity of experienced process dimensions , would be the next step that can be further understood and developed.

It would be interesting to understand what happens when there is no more addiction to the string –

It seems there is the potential for a infinity of process dimensions at all times , but they are not all experienced , and not all on the same string /  would it be possible to relate strings , etc ?

Anyway , these are questions for later – questions that could become easier to solve when I / we can find some answers for a


also see some older notes on :



To be able to build such a meta-cortex tool – a tool that opens up dimensions to input , relate , build ,  and allow emergence of ( abstract ) objects and relations –

The question I have at this point of time and need to solve is : how to facilitate the visualization of the meaning of different abstract objects , according to its relation to all other objects – its relative position.

I have the feeling that according to its position , a position determined to all the relations the object has with other objects , the object will find itself closer or further to other objects , and therefore one will start visualizing different ( multi ) dimensions of meaning.

This implies that , with the use of such a meta-cortex space , we will also be able to use a new language , where all concepts can be built upon and can be communicated according to their relations , and their position according to their relations  ( all concepts expressed in verbal language , but also all other concepts that are not yet expressed verbally , or that can be found through emergence of the system of inter-related objects )

That would mean that the more objects ( for example , abstract objects like concepts ) are added to the data base ( or the more data bases of relations are connected ) the more the system fine tunes itself , and the higher the precision of its positioning.

Therefore , it would be interesting to have a dynamic system of positioning of abstract objects and relations – that would be based on all the other relations.

Possibly , there could be a navigator ( I call it a ” rhizomic visualization browser ” ) ,

and one would be able to navigate based on the points of reference one would want to choose.

I would like to experiment with this.

I have the feeling that a conventional program , where we define too many rules in advance as to get a specific result , is not exactly what i m looking forward to , as I would like to see how the system itself is capable of defining itself.

So based on the dimensions in which the relations end up , they would acquire specific meaning – and it would not be necessary , for example , for semanticists , to pre-define meaning of certain relations.

I also want to see how it creates new dimensions , and how it creates emergence on relations.

In other words , such a system would not only have the emergent property of creating new relations and objects in infinite levels of abstraction , but also of constructing relations that would be able to visualized as types of relation , or relations in certain dimensions , and could be attributed a certain meaning.

I have the feeling that ultimately the processing power of a conventional bits processing engine would not be appropriate to facilitate emergence in such a system , especially if it grows to a large number of relations.

On the longer run , it will be interesting to understand how would be possible to instantaneously have the results of a new relation integrated into such a ( networked data base ) system.

Like when one string pulls all other strings it is attached to , and that the dynamic position of such evolving and emergent system fine tunes itself ?

Ok , possibly questions for later.

For now ,

I hope some of the ideas I presented are clear enough – and that they could be complementary with some other ideas you know of or develop.

If the ideas expressed are not clear enough , feel free to let me know – I could also meet up with you somewhere in europe to explain it face to face.

by the way, although I am from Brussels originally , I live a post-nomadic lifestyle and am sending this message from Vilnius , Lithuania.

my profile on the internet : http://oikoumene.coforum.net/DanteGabryell

I would be interested to see what these ideas could inspire to you or people you know.

I am organizing a one month collective in Germany , gathering thinkers , programmers , activists , artists , …
to which you or other persons you would suggest are invited if you want :


I am also pasting below some conversation I shared in the last month with Michel Bauwens and Francois Rey , in relation to the ideas expressed in this letter.

– for future communication , we can communicate both in english and in french. –



Article : The Google Way of Science

Excerpt :

“It may turn out that tremendously large volumes of data are sufficient to skip the theory part in order to make a predicted observation. Google was one of the first to notice this.


note: found thanks to the p2p research list


local boundary spanning and convergence – stigmergy and emergence of intentional networks

I am interested in developing interconnected media facilitating a trans and meta overview ,

and if possible , also a dynamic relative overview ,

within and between ” intentional networks “.

Towards such an aim ,

I believe , at first , in using existing technologies , and then progressively build collected materials and position them towards each other , collectively , eventually implementing new applications and solutions to do so.

Let me explain my approach.

In the last 5 years , I have been hitch hiking all over europe , developing different perspectives , interacting and living with people from various backgrounds , while staying in touch with these people , and also with other emerging intentional networks , through the internet , using email , wiki s , mailing lists , social bookmarks , …

I quickly realized the need for two approaches , beyond convergence and exchanges in online environments , connecting online interaction with real world spaces and interaction :

on one hand , the need to facilitate the emergence of interconnected networks of individuals that apparently may be called
” boundary spanners “

( expressed in some old brainstormings such as ” Open World ” : http://oikoumene.coforum.net/OpenWorld

and on the other hand , convergence spaces , which may also be living spaces , where such boundary spanners can converge , live , and develop their projects , while feeling at home , or having the opportunity to have several places where they feel at home.

Also , during my travels , the decisions concerning my moves depended on the options that would come to me along communication channels in the networks of people I met , and on information  from the networks of individuals to which I connected to online ,

opening up several options to me , from which I would constantly re-actualize my alignment of options ( several options making it possible to attract me rather in one part of europe at a certain time of the year , rather then another , according to the capacity to open up new opportunities , meet people , converge resources , and the efforts invested )

I would also use email to facilitate efforts of ” stigmergy ” with my networks of friends throughout europe ,
and optimize the opportunity and connection making through my hitch hiking low budget moves , by connecting with people along the way according to common interests , or complementary interests , I would feel.

Other important factors in my travels being the potential for having inconditional opportunities for reality sharing – feeling more often that I had more such chances in certain places in eastern europe then in western europe , as western europe , especially in its big cities , seemed to have its social organization based on much more conditional reality sharing.

After an estimated 300 000 km hitch hiking , I feel it is time to find opportunities to increase the resource base , and find ways to converge more effectively , using some of my experience , and try to implement the understanding and broader view of interconnected / inter related pieces of ” puzzle ” I would see , and the potential for new synergetic , or eventually , emergent relation making processes.

I am now back in Brussels , my home town , and a major center of decision making in europe and in the world , itself being positioned in between other major decision making centers in europe , such as London , Paris , Amsterdam , the Ruhr Gebiet and Koln …

I woud like to start very simply.   I am happy to see that there are projects such as ” The Hub ” that are emerging , new hubs opening up accross major cities accross europe and the world , inspired on the Hub London s success.

I am somewhat sceptical of its business model , yet like to promote the development of such transdisciplinary convergence spaces.
( I still feel such model might still too much be aimed at maximizing income , even though some hubs might choose to be not for profit – I am also concerned about ownership and control of communication channels related to these convergence spaces , … etc … but thats another debate. )

Together with some friends , such as Synnove , we also discussed the development of ” Convergence shared living spaces “.

These might also combine with other more temporary convergence/living intentional network spaces , such as ” collectives ” of a few days , or a few months , such as the Couchsurfing or BeWlecome Collectives , or the 24 hour or 24 weeks projects the espians develop : http://wiki.espians.com/24_weeks


In some of these projects , video , wiki s , and mailing lists are being used to facilitate collaboration between individuals from all over the world with convergence points such as collectives.

I would be interested in developing platforms , together with all other emerging technologies ,
that facilitate such collaboration ,

first at a local scale , such as at the scale of brussels ,

visiting different actors potentially sharing common or complementary projects and intentions ,

understanidng their needs and offers ,

and trying to position them by facilitating some ( audio-visual ) recordings , that would include meta tags ,

and facilitate the mapping of each of them towards each other.

I would also be interested , after using existing tools and mashing them together ,
while also using real world spaces , which can in effect also become ubiquitous as to interact with each other through the online communication channels and also through physical space , facilitating ” stigmergy ”


Ideally , grant makers , social entrepreneurs , researchers , people in the field , decision makers of all kinds , etc

can more eaisly allocate their efforts and resources , and collaborate with each other ,

not having to follow specific power structures of organizations , but directly working around common intentions ,
and optimizing the use of resources , facilitating also the understanding of mutual synnergies and the different inter relations ,
understanding priorities and how each element may further lead to new opportunities.

This would be complemented with data bases , and their immersive visualization – tools that still need to be developed , some of which I may briefly be detailing on



Another very important aspect I see to such emergence ,

is the inconditonality , towards common intentions.

Everyone does wat one can , and empowers each other , eventually leading to ones own empowerment through mutual emergence.

new forms of finance can emerge , including new forms of measurment , facilitated by the new holoptic capacity of such a intentional network.

By holopticism , I mean the capacity for everyone to see the bigger picture , and to evaluate as to better potion ones own actions and potential decisions in accordance to others , facilitating self regulation , in a non hierarchic way.

Everyone could be creative , and people having access to any kind of resource may decide to invest and donate to people working on various aspects of the broader intention ,

or on new understandings of opportunties that may rise into new initiatives and solution development.


For example , I might go and see various individuals , schools , universities, non governmental organizations , governmental political bodies , private companies , etc

and by documenting and inter relating each others needs and situations , make it easier for each of them to see potentials for synnergies , and new opportunties to create / solutions to develop together.

by doing so , some of them might see the ” value creation ” I can bring , and through a transparent donations platform ,
allow them to donate to me , while seing what my own living needs might be.

I can show , like in a video game , what my daily survival needs are , and how much of them might have been filled up within the next week or two , and if they want to support me , they may see for example that in one week time I do not have enough money to fulfill my estimated eating expenses , and they can decide to donate one or two euros – which then appears transparently on the online system.

more details about such a solution on



So to start with , I would simply need to go and visit local actors , and help positioning them , by fiding out about a series of question that could facilitate such positioning , and eventuallymake some short audiovisual recording , which can then be meta tagged and inter related with all other potential recordings and pieces of information.

This can facilitate local meetings in the real world ,

and if it really creates value , it can be a first step for me to receive donations and survive ,
while not being told what to do , whitout having to work for anyone , and without needing to set up any specific legal structure of my own ( I hope – we will see )

I also look forward to further use and include tools , such as potentially the ones developed by Joe Edelman :


Draft Thesis – Love Dimensions of Cycle/Spiral Processes

Concept – Draft Thesis – Love Dimensions of Cycle/Spiral Processes ( I got inspired by this concept after a Dream a few days ago )

( maybe also usefull in artificial intelligence models? )

My Draft Thesis Goes as Follows :

< Process Dimensions > of ( = ) : (Constituted of Three Loves) = ( Love Process )

( = ) // = ( … ; 1 , 2 , 3  ; ( 0 ) ; 1 , 2 , 3 ; … ) //

Love Dimension one ( 1 ) :

< Trust> – Horizontal : Opening up of Options , Opportunities , Channels , …

Love Dimension two ( 2 ) :

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hubs , rhizomes , and self-managed shared constructivist approach to learning

I would like to share the following project:

I am developping tools and networks with friends

for facilitating learning and discovery, living , and creative solution development ,

accross our increasing (un)conciousness of the environment of the oikoumene of thought and life, and off all the individuals , references, and questions that can be found , asked, and developped,

through a self-managed shared constructivist approach to learning

i believe that ECLA could benefit from such a project , by cooperating with active minds that could connect to ongoing activities, questions, and individuals that relate to the school, and trough such openness connecting itself and becoming a node , or a hub , for real world meetings , knowledge , and project development.

Other Hubs are online as well as offline , everywhere where individuals connected to the networks interact and share with one or more individuals ( and eventually has the option of sharing and multiplying outcomes with the rest of the network )

Open courses online could be shared and built together – such as through the Wiki University project



Its seems that , originally, UNIVERSITIES DEVELOPPED AND BUILT THEMSELVES AROUND COLLECTIONS AND SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE ( such as LIBRARIES , other thinkers and practicionners , … )


With time, such spaces institutionalised and power structures and systems gradually increased control and dictated on the university the needs for their own development and maintanence ( sometimes by opening up such new spaces )

TODAY , KNOWLEDGE IS AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE through interconnected information and communication technologies such as THE INTERNET



using not only new information technology tools , but also through practices for learning and interaction ,

and through POST-NOMADIC INDIVIDUALS that – full time or part time – HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO MOVE AND MEET REFERENCES – spaces and environments, individuals , questions , issues , … – AND CONNECT THEM as to LEARN FOR THEMSELVES , and SHARE WITH OTHERS – EXTENDING THE PARADIGMS OF POSSIBILITIES

and complementing existing and past initiatives for exchanges IN A VERY EFFICIENT – LOW COST WAY

( for example, I travelled for the last years, and usually spend more or less 200 euros a month for all my expenses, while roaming europe – and maybe this cost can be reduced as networks , tools , and practices are being developped and enhanced )

This brainstorming is available on http://www.oikoumene.be/RhiZomes and on http://dante.ecobytes.net AND IS OPEN TO BE FURTHER EDITED