dante-gabryell's definition of " transcendence " and " meaning "

From: Dante-Gabryell Monson
Date: Jun 15, 2007 11:14 PM
Subject: dante s definition of ” transcendence ” , and ” meaning “

I realize my definition of transcendence is somewhat different then the three definitions on wikipedia


My definition of transcendence is the following :

it is the overcoming of limitations at the level of conciousness , it is the overcoming of drama at successive levels of abstraction – a drama being defined as actions resulting of the ” addiction ” to something specific , and as a result of this addiction a “specific need for control” , fear of loosing this specific channel of control , and eventually when a channel of specific needed control is not in control , emotions and actions induced by drama and ego flow such as : powerlessness , aggressiveness , and limitations through focus on the drama/addiction

, …

also , transcendence is leading towards metatization , which opens up multiple channels , multiple possibilities , multiple dimensions towards the higher process dimensions ( in which smaller less abstract process dimensions are contained ) , and not only a focus on one addicted channel

so transcendence and metatization are the opposite experience flow then ego experienced flow in process dimensions ,

and is also synonymous of detachment , creativity , discovery , opening of perspectives and understanding , action in detachment , and being … beyond addiction , beyond necessity or need

yet following a further opening up of dimensions , when ” can ” chooses for ” can “…

in any field , in any process , …

TRANSCENDENCE is also a meta level of abstraction of the “opening up of trust” , the opening up of channels ,

and at a level of abstraction that relates two shared processes of transcendence , care , faith and inspiration ( meta relations of processes of ” opening of trust , action , contemplation ” and inspiration connecting the objectified process dimensions )

one finds MEANING

see more on


"Can" is NOW , "Can" is the Destination , Can is Creation , …

From: Dante-Gabryell Monson
Date: Jun 12, 2007 2:37 PM
Subject: “Can” is NOW , “Can” is the Destination , Can is Creation , etc

My brainstorming about ” CAN ” below – Greetings from Riga , Dante


What happens when your conciousness wakes up to the realization that you are not only you , but you are also the Universe.

When you are the Universe , what do you do ?

I ask myself this , now , and I feel that ” I do what I can ”

What can I ?

I can a lot , and I realize I can wake up to more and more , and can even more.

Do I ” need to do a lot ” ? No , I do not feel so.

So I just do what can ? What can ?

What is Can ?

I feel can does not need. Can does not fear. Can trusts. Can chooses for itself , it chooses for can.

Can opens up Can.

So then , my can is the can of the universe , the one that opens up can.

One that can use drama , but is not drama. Needs not drama.
Can is all , yet is not what is not can.

Can is a flow of conciousness and oneness , not the flow of fear , specific need and addiction.

Can is life.  Life is can.

Fear , addiction and drama can be used by can , but when can is forgotten , then drama conciousness  does not see as well , it is stuck in its drama , and has limited can it is specifically dependent on , until it dies.

Drama and addiction conciousness is death.

Can is life.

Can does not die . As it is the universe.

Can does not get stuck in drama s from within , or from outside , unless it is forgotten , and forgets itself.

CAN chooses for CAN – and builds on CAN

The universe is.  Drama forgets the universe , and ends up eating itself.

When I am can , when I am the universe , there is no fear , no fear of death , as I do not die.

I am the universe.

I am the universe with others. When the others wake up , can multiplies even further , and the universe emancipates itself through our mutual emancipation and emergence.

I am , you are , the product of the emergence of CAN – of the Universe , of all its levels of abstraction , on which we are built on , and of which we are levels of abstraction of relations , levels of abstraction also connected to higher levels of abstraction.

We can wake up to it.

When we realize it , more and more CAN will open up opportunities ,

and we need not loose ourself and die in DRAMA and ADDICTION




As CAN builds on CAN , it CREATES



Can wakes up Can , through opening up further trust , love , contemplation and inspirations

These are the basics of the Universe , and CAN is the flow of creation.

The universe is conciousness.  Conciousness of each other and of the relation to itself.

As all is relations , and all is processes , and relations between processes.

Nothingness is , and relates to itself , therefore it is , and has itself and the relation to itself.

From this initial relation of abstraction , nothingness opens up to CAN , and can grows to CREATE into further levels of abstraction

It might be hard to wake up to this or use this for much of us trapped into levels of abstraction of “can” limited by “limited conciousness of can” , “when can is forgotten” at “the level of our mind level of abstraction and conciousness”

maybe more of us can wake up and at NOW and NOW ” be ” ” CAN ” , the UNIVERSE , CREATION , as CAN opts for CAN and opens up further TRUST , LOVE , AND CONTEMPLATION into new levels of abstraction and conciousness –

yet even if not all of us wake up , or even if only a few of us wake up at the level of our mind abstraction , we can combine our CAN , and create the tools that enable CAN at ( higher ? ) levels of abstraction , so that CAN is used as a tool by those that UNCONCIOUSLY use CAN , through tools facilitating EMERGENCE and CREATION , CAN –

such tools can also be the application into computer models ( that can be used into economics , politics , etc )



although process dimensions , are only building bricks – and THE EXPERIENCE can go towards LIMITED CAN AND ITS EXPLOITATION or METATIZED CAN AND CREATION , as the process dimesions , and the related tools of dyamic positioning , would make it possible to visualize and bring to a certain level some Conciousness of the building bricks for infinite levels of abstraction.

What to start with , with whom , where ?

I feel like re-writing some kind of overview , from what I see and experienced in the last years – I have set some phrases into bold character in case you feel like scanning through it.

It could be called , overview of :


Where , with whom , what to start with ? …

or towards ” using the internet to trans-connect to existing localized intentional networks anywhere.


Hmm , perhaps the first step many of us go through , is to affirm our ” NEGATIVE LIBERTY ” ,
rejecting what feels meaningless or destructive and what is not intrinsically motivating , what does not make our life worth living for.

And then after going such a process , we might go through a process of finding out what has meaning for us , and what our intentions may be.

And when finding out , there still seems to be a long road towards empowering POSITIVE LIBERTY


Here is a little overview , from this point on …


Yes , it feels that out there there is a potentially huge ” intentional network ” ,
and some of us manage to connect and interact through the net.

Some of us are also gathering into ” intentional communities ” – such as Arcosanti , Auroville , and many other , smaller EcoVillages , where sometimes the ” intentional network ” comes and visit the ” intentional living community “.


Sometimes ” intentional networks ” gather , through big meet ups – events ,  whether it are researchers , hackers , sports enthusiasts , music enthusiasts , hitch hikers , etc

yet I am still facing the question :

How to mutually empower intentional networks ,
into creating viable alternative systems , not only in certain areas / eco-villages / communities ,

but anywhere ?

And I guess that in some way or another it is a question many of us may be asking.


Hospitality Networks ( such as http://couchsurfing.com . http://hospitalityclub.org , http://bewelcome.org ) have now members from almost every region in the world ,
and in some way it has facilitated , for me , an alternative lifestyle , and sharing all accross europe or the world if I wanted to.

Yet it is not an alternative society by itself , even if it includes many open and trusting individuals.


The ” cluster ” model is becoming more and more popular in the way that businesses think of their development , or at least , their research and development.

I sometimes feel that we are creating some new kind of decentralized business ,
and that it is important for us to see the various resources , in various different fields of solution development , with the various intentional social networks ,

and find ways to more effectively empower each other , develop solutions , experiment , share best practices and multiply them.

I would be interested in facilitating the identification all the different ” hubs ” , and all the different ” intentional social networks ” that we could , as a first step , think of collaborating between each other.

The facilitate the emergence of tools so that they can understand or position each others questions , issues , visions , initiatives

and how they can learn together and collaborate

, and offer the same tools for and between individuals.
( some emerging solutions and softwares are being developped in this field – for example :
http://kluster.com/ –  and conference platforms such as http://www.ted.com/ are trying to spread some inspiring ideas and gather people arond them )


Ecovillages , Schools , Universities , Cooperatives , … and all kinds of social networks related to some of the intentions being promoted by certain organizations.


And I stress ” the social networks related to … ” , as I have experienced the huge difference between the social networks related to an organization , and the organization itself , as the power structures of an organization , by my experience , very often promotes its own internal structures of power , sometimes even to the extent of contradicting its own intentions / see for example some of my comments in relation to an organization I have been volunteering with for some time :


Offering open and transparent mutually empowered local production and solutions ,
as an alternative to the mainstream , everywhere.


Biological farming has and is becoming more and more popular in western europe , yet is now being developed also by big corporations who apply to the conditions for the label ,

but have very different social structures as small biological farms.

I imagine a series of new labels to emerge , and I feel that both producer cooperatives and consumer cooperatives can work hand in hand ,

if and when we can set up the communication channels to facilitate it.


As new intentional networks emerge or interconnect , the trust and potential for transactions between them may lead to alternative currencies , empowered by softwares such as http://ripple.sourceforge.net/


I am very interested to understand the impact , on their surroundings , of intentional communities.

Do they close themselves on themselves , of do they have a greater reach ?

And what may be the parallels with , for example , monasteries in europe ( or elsewhere in the world ) in the middle ages ?


So , yes , its a broad map … 🙂

And to be honest , I do not necessarily know where to start with 🙂


Some day I feel I should start by touring and connecting schools , the other day I feel like working with cooperatives , another day I feel like creating inter-disciplinary communities of practice around questions between various students from various faculties , another day I feel like I should settle down and try to focus on learning programming – as to program yet one midst other starting points : some kind of mapping system in itself , …


At the same time I feel that my strenght is to bridge networks , people , ideas ,
and push towards some broad trans-visions.  Which I feel is what connects many of us.

So sometimes I feel I should connect further with documentary making , …


But …  to start with , I realize I need to find myself a place to come back to , with people awaiting me , … yet at the same time a place where people tend to converge , a hub.

So often I feel that one of the starting points and connections with the rest is … a space for gathering people with common synthesis intentions.

A intentional network ” base / hub ” of very mobile people that connect communities and spread practices , while facilitating processes of awareness raising , mutual learning , experimentation , and solution development. … … which again leads me to the same questions – where am I best capable of finding such environment ?   While at the same time making some kind of living with it ?

This is my current dilemma :-p

And to find a solution to it , I guess that I m trying to talk about it to people around me , to see who is interested , and what we can do together.


When one does not have money / capital , using a nomadic strategy , hopping from one community to another ( one school to another , one cooperative to another , etc ) , feels like an effective way of extending and connecting each others circle of influence … which can then use its experience and dynamics , to report and further extend its reach through information technologies.


But to start with , it feels best to ” engaged ” with more then our own selves 🙂
And somehow , I have found it rather difficult to find partners willing to live without , or with very little money.


So there is some kind of turning into circles that needs to be broken

… some funds need to come from somewhere , following smaller visions that need to be defined , by a small group of very enthusiastic friends.


A few years ago , I was thinking about crowdfunding solutions ( old brainstorming : http://oikoumene.coforum.net/OpenWorld ).

Such kind of crowdfunding technical solutions / platforms are now , seemingly , starting to emerge.
( http://del.icio.us/deliciousdante/MagicHat , http://del.icio.us/deliciousdante/funding )


I have met and got in touch with a lot of people in the last years ,
while trying to put together these different pieces of the puzzle , and while trying to find some next  ” starting point “.

I did not yet find an environment , that suited some of these needs , or more precisely , not an open environment , except here , on the internet.

No organization with power structures was open up enough –

I understand that the solution needs to come from our own interconnections , and if possible , without creating further power structures.


From my own experience , Even projects that did not have an organization or official power structures , often ended up creating power structures related to its communication channels and ownership of communication channels.


So one of the challenges I see is to be able to create alternative communication channels ,
around specific issues or questions ,
which can be effective , open communities of practice ,
and can facilitate the emergence of a miriad of communities of practice ,
between volunteers , but also between businesses , and paid employees ,
while creating a intrinsically motivating , and meaningful feeling.


And for this , the starting point becomes a question , an issue ,
for which we might want to find solutions for together.


Hmm , well , this starts to sound like … Minciu Sodas , or P2P foundation – convergence points , … 🙂
http://www.ms.lt/ – Laboratory of independent thinkers  ; http://p2pfoundation.net


Then , perhaps the question becomes ” What issue to focus on first “ ?

And when one realizes they are all inter-connected , perhaps the question , and issue one might have is :

How can we become aware of the inter connections , and benefit more easily from inter-disciplinarity ?


Visualizing the relations between the ideas , questions , issues , various resources , and the various different actors in such issues ( including the social networks that are interested in finding solutions to such questions ) ,

as to determine priorities , strategies , and actions between ourselves.

some related links : http://del.icio.us/deliciousdante/referencemaps ;
http://del.icio.us/deliciousdante/visualization , …


Some of the intentional networks I found on the internet , including the one through which I may have connected / got introduced to some of your activities and interests ,
are great , yet they stay in the virtual world , and bridging the individuals related to these communication networks often would mean for me to go and meet them individually , in various different places , or to go to various punctual meet ups accross europe by hitch hiking , which I did.

It has its strenght , but it does not help me that much to really focus and work on a project.
For this I need ( socializing , entrepreneurial and creative ? ) people around me , to which I develop a strong friendship and bound with.

And as I am not a student , I do not have access to the kind of opportunities that certain kind of learning environments offer.

I actually fled the mainstream learning environments ( school , university )
as I felt it was tempering my … potential to learn , interact , discover , collaborate.

Most often , such mainstream learning environments still function according to a industrial paradigm ,
and very often there is no space , or very little space , for intrinsic motivation to learning to be developped ,
and one needs to be really lucky to have had the opportunity to discover before starting studies , what one is passionnate about.

In a world that is constantly facing new issues , our passion might well be a field that does not exist yet – one we might create.

How can we shift towards more open , trans-disciplinary , multi-environment learning networks and resources , based on CREATION and new initiatives ( mutually questioning , connecting and re-mixing existing knowledge according to needs ) instead of REPRODUCTION of knowledge and practices according to patterns imposed by a curriculum or head teacher.

… although , for university students not to get lost , such approach needs to be implemented from a very early age , building on the natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation for learning of children , instead of oppressing this natural tendency and associating the idea of learning to boding and oppressing reproduction of knowledge and practices.

I collect some links about learning on


http://del.icio.us/deliciousdante/learning , …


What I do have access to is learning and interacting through the internet – I have been rather successfull in using it.


For example , I am now in Helsinki.

My intention was to try to connect to some groups of people and resources related to


and its Art School.


I know that one of their approaches includes trans-disciplinarity in innovation , urban development ,
and eventually also lifestyles.

Yet I realize it is not easy to connect with other individuals involved in such projects. – or to find our own position in relation to them to further interact and collaborate.

And it is even more difficult to find the people with whom we really get a long with and feel like working with.

In other words , finding opportunities to become friends.

There are some conferences , but they are mostly lectures.

There are some events , but they are punctual in time.

and when adressing myself to the bureaucracy related to such institutions , the answers tend to be that ” it does not match with their procedures ” – and to match procedures most often does not correspond to my profile , nor even to my objectives.


But I have been using another medium : hospitality networks.

Through hospitality networks , I managed to connect with open and friendly people , some of which with whom I share common interests , and that suggested me to come to certain meetings.

Yet , these individuals themselves are most often students , and do not have many resources , or are very busy with their studies and/or work ( to pay their living ) , and can not take further some ideas they feel enthusiastic about.

Although at some point , if they continue their studies , they might have access to a doctoral grant , extend their social networks and access to resources through academia , and collaboration programs between academia and the business world – governmental organizations – non-governmental organizations , …

Which is great , but still too limited !


Alright , this overview can go on and on …

Now I m faced to finding partners – at a time where I am getting tired of hitch hiking constantly , am not sure how I will finance my food within the next week , and am not sure if I should stay in Helsinki or use my last financial resources to move back to some other city where I may have more chances of finding a job … :-p

… and I end up being on the net , spending time deepening overviews and relations ,
while knowing that it may not lead much further.

And probably I am not the only one.

By connecting with each other we are trying to create opportunities with each other ,
trying to definine certain issues to work on ,

trying to define projects to apply for resources
, …

and eventually create new solutions and economic resources to re-invest …

I interacted , over the last years , with many organizations ,
and yet dramatically mutually empowering each other and building outside of status quo is constantly discouraged as long as one faces power structures.

I ve attended courses , many seminars , youth organizations , …

but what I look forward to does not exist yet.

We are setting the visions , and now its about finding people willing to share visions ,
without falling back into power structures , and while deifning a open framework ,
not only through the internet , but with the internet to connect to existing localized intentional networks anywhere.

… beyond ” meet up ” 🙂
… beyond ” a cup of tea ” …



Western Human Rights petition Vs Chinese Nationalist Anti-Western Media petition

Petition to chinese president for ” restraint and respect for human rights in your response to the protests in Tibet “


over 1,65 million ( today , april 29 )

1 million target reached in just 7 days!

VS ?

China’s Grand Petition Against The Western Media

the site gathered approximately .53333 million signatures per day – about half a million signatures per day.

( http://publicplease.org/2008/04/07/chinas-grand-petition-against-the-western-media/ )

over 5,7 million ( 574 ten thousand ) on april 29 – although in an article of le monde – 24.04.2008 , they state ” near to 8 million online signatures “


open letter : towards Grundtvig 2.1 beta ?


Hi Mogens ( cc: friends , traveling school of life , Global Villages , Working in Parallel )

in relation to the development and experimentation of connectivist approaches to learning ,
using existing infrastructure and environments ,

I would like to ask you all to get in touch with me if some of the following perspectives interest you , or put me in touch with anyone else you might know that might be interested , or already develops similar approaches , so that we could set up some kind of project and apply for funds ! / I m writing this to Mogens , who is a principal of a Folkhighschool in Denmark. – or if you are connected to a learning environment and would like to collaborate with me , I m willing to volunteer if you are able to host and feed me during my stay.

I ll paste this call for connecting with others on my blog :



Its Dante ( http://couchsurfing.com/dante )

I was one of your asia/europe ( related to asef grant ) students at brenderup ( 2003 ? )

As time has passed by ,
I m not sure if you are still working with folkhighschools today.
( I realized that one of my friends , Sabina from Latvia , attended the new school where you have become principal , about two years ago. )

If you are still passionnately active with Folk Highschools , I would like to consult you in relation to potential collaboration.

( for other friends reading this – more info on danish folkhighschools on :


and map : http://www.hojskolerne.dk/hoejskoler )

I do not know about latest developments in relation to what is happenning within and between folkhighschools – so I ll share some of my views and perhaps they might connect to other existing projects ?

For example , I like to dream about collaboration towards developping alternative experimental connectivist approaches hosted for a number of weeks , or months , at a folkhighschool , that would also revolve around the interaction itself , and alternative forms of learning , co-creation, governance , economics , production and lifestyles , which can include new opportunities brought by information technologies ,
and can then further be transferred to the communities itself.

… towards a culture of sustainable participative passion and peer enabled co-learning and co-creation , updated to developments in the emerging knowledge based economy ,

and applied to a variety of actual topics and solution development – from sustainable local forms of energy , food logistics , building , healthcare , alternative financial systems – or any topic for which new knowledge and solutions are needed for , and for which students , or even elder enthusiasts , could gather in one folkhighschool as to further facilitate the emergence of inspiring ideas and practices that could then be reproduced accross schools , universities , cooperatives , … and aimed at using technologies and practices in involving local communities and taylor new solutions , with the help of various regional and trans-regional intentional peer networks , that themselves can also emerge through the multiplication of practices accross various existing learning and interaction environments , eventually facilitated by networks of nomadic boundary spanners.

If I remember properly from what I learned through my experience at Brenderup and in Denmark , I believe some of these these open and inclusive aspects to learning and… creation ( ? ) are some of the basis of the philosophy of folk highschools ,
and of danish society itself , through the influence of Grundtvig.

I know about other such kind of approaches and projects , albeit perhaps more exclusive – restrictive in the selection of its participants , such as http://www.kaospilot.dk/

I also know that such initiatives might be developped individually accross schools , yet most often restricted within a certain official curriculum , and not necessarily with the prospect of a permanent resource and collaboration networking platform. – even though this might be exactly what might be encouraged by certain european grants , which eventually could be applied for.
( ? … http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/llp/grundtvig/index_en.html )

I would like to open up inspiring practices which could then easily be networked and multiplied through other learning and living interaction environments , such as any school.

I imagine that it could lead towards certain ” networked cluster ” models , yet not focused on direct profit making or on specific academic research ( such as EU bacled projects like http://openlivinglabs.eu ; http://www.livinglabs-europe.com/ ; ,

but more intended towards facilitating such a ” network society culture ” through peer learning and co-creation , and hopefully also towards peer and community empowered social entrepreneurship , for individuals of all ages.

by the way , I collect a number of links on alternative learning on :



I feel like cc ing this to Michel Bauwens ( http://p2pfoundation.net ) , Marilyn Mehlmann , Julian Still , and other friends ,
hoping that this could generate a discussion , and perhaps , fueled by other gatherings such as the ” she ” gathering ( see below ) , to new , ( temporary ? ) co-creative environments.

Looking forward to hear of any suggestions ,

let me know if you or anyone else you know might be interested , so that together we can facilitate the emergence and further interconnection of idividuals interested in working on such kind of ideas.

Thanks ,


Dante ( I am currently in Estonia , probably soon Finland )

latest Ubuntu Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron – on PC and Mac

bbc article :


( excerpt below )

downloads :



Hardy Heron also has improved support for multimedia, including photo editing, music sharing and video playback, he said.

The version has also been designed to make installation simpler and give users the chance to try the OS without making radical alterations to their current computer set-up.

“This is the first version that you can install under Windows.

“Instead of re-partitioning your hard drive and taking some fairly risky steps, effectively you can now install under Windows without modifying your system.”

Ubuntu can be installed on PC and Mac machines and is one of a number of versions of Linux.

article : social entrepreneurship – mainstreaming of the mavericks



mainstreaming of the mavericks –

The social entrepreneurship movement has come of age, writes Charles Leadbeater. What now?

” fed by an eclectic mix of church groups, venture capitalists, philanthropists, former political activists, community businesses and the rise of corporate social responsibility ”

” The best estimates suggest that globally this ‘third sector’ employs around 40 million people, with 200 million volunteers. “

excerpt : Erich Fromm – love as interpersonal creative capacity


Fromm considered love to be an interpersonal creative capacity rather than an emotion, and he distinguished this creative capacity from what he considered to be various forms of narcissistic neuroses and sado-masochistic tendencies that are commonly held out as proof of “true love.

Erich Fromm postulated five basic needs:

  1. Relatedness – relationships with others, care, respect, knowledge;
  2. Transcendence – creativity, develop a loving and interesting life;
  3. Rootedness – feeling of belonging;
  4. Sense of Identity – see ourselves as a unique person and part of a social group.
  5. A frame of orientation – the need to understand the world and our place in it.

bookmarked on

